Preview: Diana Cabrices, ESI Business Development Conference

For those attending the upcoming ESI Business Development Conference March 17 – 19, 2024, here is a preview of Diana Cabrices’ Keynote presentation:

The Relatability Factor: How Competence, Character, and Confidence Drives Growth

In a marketplace where authenticity and connection mark the line between the ordinary and the exceptional, “The Relatability Factor: How Competence, Character, and Confidence Drives Growth” is an interactive keynote for financial advisors who want to distinguish themselves and maximize their profits. Diana Cabrices, a seasoned marketing expert, unveils “The Three C’s of Relatability,” an approach to creating genuine connections that secure transactions, lasting client relationships, and unparalleled business growth.

Drawing from an extensive background that spans sales, marketing, branding, technology, and more, Diana brings a wealth of experience to the stage. With a track record of significantly amplifying recurring revenue and establishing herself as a dynamic figure in the industry, her insights are not just theory but proven strategies.

Through stories, case studies, and her vibrant personality, Diana shares her expertise, designed to empower advisors with the tools to be authentically engaging, relatable, and, ultimately, successful. The session offers insight into the Three C’s of Relatability: Competence, Character, and Confidence. These pillars serve as the foundation for building relationships beyond the superficial, fostering trust and loyalty that drive business growth.

This keynote invites audience members to transform their professional ethos, leverage the power of relatability, and experience the tangible benefits of placing dynamic, authentic human connections at the forefront of all they do. Get ready to apply the Relatability Factor and increase your connections and revenue!

Audience Members Will Learn:

Relatability Fundamentals: Grasp how authenticity, personalization, emotional connection, and accessibility drive new client growth and loyalty. 

Tech Competence: Overcome tech resistance with digital tool integration strategies, enhancing prospect experience and client engagement.

Character Connection: Inject personality into your brand through social media, content, and storytelling to strengthen client relationships.

Confident Self-Promotion: Balance humility with showcasing achievements via testimonials and online presence to build brand trust.

The Business Development Conference Registration page has closed, but there are a couple spots left. If you are interested, please contact Erin Knox at
