Fidelity: Are you interested in the current geopolitical situation and what may lie ahead?

From Fidelity:
Geopolitical Outlook & Insights
Tuesday, March 19, Noon ET

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Join us for a conversation with Fidelity thought leaders, Dirk Hofschire, managing director of research, and David Bridges, senior geopolitical advisor. David has spent more than 25 years at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), including roles in which he directed all CIA activity in Russia, the former Soviet Union, central and eastern Europe, and the Balkans. Our speakers will review the current geopolitical situation and share insights on what may lie ahead for the market and global economy. Please come prepared with questions to participate in this engaging discussion. We hope to see you there!

Topics include:

  • The prospects for greater regional violence and implications for global supply chains, shipping, and energy
  • Near-, medium-, and long-term implications of sharpening worries about Russian aggression, European defense weakness, and uncertainty about the U.S. security guarantee for Europe
  • Two billion people voting in 50 elections around the world in 2024—what lies ahead?
  • Other geopolitical trends and risks that may influence global financial markets

Speakers include:
David Bridges, Senior Geopolitical Advisor, Fidelity Investments
Dirk Hofschire, Managing Director of Research, Asset Allocation Research, Fidelity Investments

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