In case you missed it…eSignature Update and HSA Registration

eSignature Update
Effective immediately eSignature can be utilized through Docupace/DocuSign for Allianz business in the state of New York. All paperwork available in Docupace for Allianz can now be electronically signed, without any state level restriction.

The current list of all eSign approved vendors can be found here.

If you have any questions, please call 800-344-7437 or email

New HSA Registration Available for NFS New Account Opening
To continue the enhancement of the guided account opening within Docupace, we’ve added the ability to create Health Savings Accounts (HSA) via the current NFS New Account tile. In addition, new accounts for the NFS – Health Savings Account registration type can be opened immediately via the New Account Opening integration between Docupace and NFS. This is especially useful when you need the new account number to rollover an existing HSA.

For information regarding the use of the New Account Opening integration, please refer to the following guides:

Initializing a Token for the NFS Account Opening Integration

NFS Account Opening

If you have any questions, please call 800-344-7437 or email
