ESI’s 2021 Feedback Journey

In 2021 ESI’s goals are focused on the growth of our business as well as increasing the number of representatives partnered with us.  To achieve these goals, we need confidence that we are providing the best in products and service to all of our field partners.   It is our belief that this confidence can only come from getting feedback from our partners we serve, you.  Feedback is key for us to learn where our strengths are, where there is room for improvement, and how best to move forward with achieving our goals in 2021.

Formalizing the feedback process

Today, the feedback ESI is getting is informal and generally the result of a telephone conversation or e-mail exchange.  While these informal means of getting feedback are helpful, we need to proactively solicit and make sure ESI gives everyone the opportunity to be heard.  To do this, ESI is going to formally incorporate surveys into our service model.  Feedback via survey is one of the best ways for us to work with our field partners to improve, grow and reach our goals.

Annual Sentiment Survey

Shortly, we will be sending out what we are calling a Sentiment Survey to representatives in the field, to get a baseline on how we are doing at a very high level. 

We want to assess your experience in working with ESI holistically.   Are we meeting your needs? Are we helping you grow your business?  And most importantly are we helping you, help your clients achieve their financial goals? 

Future use of Surveys

To capture more detailed feedback regarding a specific interaction with ESI, we will be incorporating a satisfaction survey into our workflow.   This will automate the opportunity to give feedback immediately following an interaction.  Look for more information on this initiative as we further expand the use of Surveys in the future.   

Thank You

We would like to thank you in advance for taking a few minutes to complete the Annual Sentiment Survey, as well as any additional Surveys you may be sent throughout the year.  We truly believe feedback will play an important role in helping all of us to reach our goals and be successful.
