ESI Illuminations Portfolio Performance Snapshots for Q1 2022

To help you review the Illuminations fund strategist and SMA portfolios you’ve utilized for your clients and determine if there is something new and a better fit, performance snapshots have been updated for Q1 2022.

In addition to updated numbers, we’ve updated the format as well! With a growing number of portfolios and managers, we’ve implemented a new design that better accommodates our growing platform. Now in a spreadsheet format, the Performance Snapshot provides a separate worksheet for each fund strategist risk range and SMA account type.

Click here for the ESI Illuminations Fund Strategist Portfolio Performance Comparison – Q1 2022 

(HINT: Link not working? Log into the agent portal first, and then try the link again)

While we know we should not make recommendations purely off of performance, lists such as these are a great starting point to look at alternative solutions to help our clients better meet their financial goals.
