Choosing Clients for Fee-Based Services: A Roadmap for Financial Advisors

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AssetMark Article Introduction:

“In the ever-evolving landscape of financial advisory services, the shift from a commission-based model to a fee-based structure has become increasingly prevalent. This transformation is driven by the desire for greater transparency, enhanced client-advisor alignment, and a focus on providing comprehensive financial solutions, while also maintaining a profitable service model that truly provides value for clients.

As you navigate this transition, one of the steps will be deciding which accounts to switch to fee-based and which are best to remain commission-based. Selecting the appropriate clients for each goes beyond mere profitability considerations and extends to factors such as client preferences, investment goals, and the nature of the advisor-client relationship. Identifying clients who are compatible with the fee-based structure and who stand to benefit the most from comprehensive advisory services can go a long way toward a successful transition and long-term client satisfaction.

In this article, we will delve into the task of identifying clients for a transition from a commission-based to a fee-based model. We will explore the factors that financial advisors need to consider, the client segments that are most suitable for the fee-based approach, and how to effectively communicate the transition to clients.

It’s important to identify those clients who will benefit from your new business model. Segmenting your clients according to specific criteria is the most efficient way to determine your next steps. The process of doing so can be streamlined with the proper plan.”

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