On Monday, January 6th, 2025, changes were implemented to the Blotter process which help to streamline requirements and reporting.
Each Field OSJ and Detached Branch Office (“Branch”) is required to record all checks and physical securities handled in that location on the revised blotter. The blotter constitutes original records of the Firm and must be both accurate and complete.
Here’s what changed:
- Recording transactional paperwork such as applications and transfer forms are no longer required on the blotter.
- A blotter is no longer required each week, unless checks or physical securities were handled.
- The BOS may require branches under their supervision to still submit weekly blotters indicating no check and/or securities were handled if they elect.
With these changes, the Checks Received/Transaction Blotter will no longer be used and will be replaced with the Checks/Securities Received Blotter.
Updated blotter guidance is available on the agent portal under ESI Compliance. For questions, please feel free to contact ESI Compliance at 800.344.7437 or esicompliance@nationallife.com