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Introducing Envestnet’s Next Generation Proposal
Starting on October 1, 2022, ESI Illuminations users will notice a new option on your Quick Start menu as Envestnet launches their newly modernized platform. While the old proposal generation tool will remain available for a time, we encourage you to explore the time-saving options within the new tool.

Features of the Next Generation Proposal
The most impactful feature of the next generation Proposal is the new user interface. Intuitive and simplified, the next generation Proposal displays only what you need to see and guides you through each step of the Proposal process, including: Assessing your client’s risk Finding the right investment products Generating a pitch document Setting up account restrictions and instructions Determining and customizing fees Specifying the source of funds for the strategy Scroll down for screenshot highlights of the new Proposal tool.
How to Access the Next Generation Proposal

Choose the following option from the menu to access the newly enhanced design and workflow.

The new interface will walk you through the proposal generation process, step-by-step.

Highlights of the new interface include:

Streamlined Interface
Easy to Access Research and Additional Information
Information displays in the right column. Need more details? Click on the information symbols to change the right column display.


Capabilities Guide
FAQ Flyer
Fact Sheet

Envestnet Support on Demand
The Envestnet Help Center is available to advisors by clicking the icon in the upper right-hand corner of every page of the Proposal tool. The Help Center provides step by step instructions for every aspect of running and modifying a Proposal. This is a user’s number one resource for figuring out how to utilize the Proposal. Envestnet’s Help Center is regularly updated to reflect technology release enhancements and general product updates by a team of e-learning specialists.
