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What would it mean for your business if you could free yourself from “business as usual”? If you could build and market your business in way which gives you “permission” to follow your personal passions, doing what you love most, with your family and friends? Impossible? Think again! Kicking off the 2021 ESI Reps Insights Series, we sat down with industry and ESI veterans Rich Kelly and Scott Maitland who’ve built consistently top producing practices, doing just that. In this candid conversation, they pull back the curtain, revealing not just what’s possible…but how they did it.
Miss the session? We’ve got you covered, catch the replay here:


Up Next….

ESI Rep Insights – 2021 Episode 2
with Maria Conlon & Kyle Voiland

This month we’re going to sit down with Advisors Maria Conlon and Kyle Voiland one year after taking over the prominent books of three long standing, recently retired ESI Advisors. We’ll discuss how the opportunity was brought to them, how the transition was planned out and executed, and what business is like now that they’ve fully held the reigns for a full year. If you are an advisor curious about growing your business via acquisition, an advisor hoping to set up a succession plan for your business, or just looking for a good story from your peers, join us for this call.
 Tuesday, March 30 at 4:00 pm ET / 1:00 pm PT
Register For This Webinar
