“Feel Like A VIP” with ESI at Business Development Conference

Couldn’t make our 2024 Business Development Conference? Catch the highlights and listen to what attendees thought here.

From uncovering all that comes with your Affiliation fee, to gaining valuable skills to help you scale, the financial professionals who attended this year’s conference agreed that BDC offered immense value.

Trey Turner was quick to share his feelings on joining ESI and being at BDC: “personal touch, personal service, and I really feel like a VIP.”

Other attendees cited the connections, idea sharing and networking opportunities as highlights, commenting on BDC’s deliberate focus on relationships and teaming. “At the end of the day, it’s all about people helping people”, shared another one of our valued attendees, Patty Almony.  

Lessons from dynamic panels, discovering what you have access to, and learning from seasoned successful professionals are just some of the takeaways you can bring back to your practice.

What will you get out of BDC 2025? Stay tuned for our Save the Date later this year.
