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Submitting and managing advertising compliance approvals from National Life Group’s Advertising Guidance Team (AGT) has never been easier. AdTrax offers a new online submission process, ways to communicate with reviewers, and a way to see and keep track of all advertising approvals in one place. You’ll experience:

Visibility throughout the advertising review process.
Efficiency with submissions that can be tracked online in AdTrax and allow you to contact your reviewer.
Ease with storing and finding your advertising approvals.
Control with reporting to help manage your approvals.

Note: If your agency requires you to submit your advertising to the agency first, please do so and check with them before using AdTrax.

We’re ready to roll and we’re making it easier than ever.

Access AdTrax via the Agent Portal under Training>>Compliance>>NLG Life & Annuity Compliance>>Advertising/Social Media. AdTrax is a user-friendly online submission form but if you need more help, we have got you covered with a user guide and a job aid available on the Agent Portal at the link mentioned above. We are no longer accepting advertising submissions via email.

Click Here to Visit the AdTrax User Guide

For additional questions or troubleshooting (i.e., the link doesn’t work), please contact NLG’s Help Desk at (877) 654-3499.
