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This 45-minute session can change the way you structure your days, empowering you to develop and strengthen your “no-muscle”, and focus your time on the things that move the needle and fill your cup.

Join ESI and Lincoln on Tuesday June 11th from 11:00 am – 11:45 am EST – Register Now.

The Art of Saying No is a power skill that enhances the quality of our decision-making while maintaining strong professional relationships and our strong brand reputation.

Using 3 actionable strategies and tactics of “A.R.T” Framework, “Deciphering the Ask” Framework, and Tactics for saying “no”, you will learn how to say yes to working with people to get their needs met and setting the proper parameters.

This workshop is designed to help you become stronger in this power skill which will lead to many benefits such as feeling more prepared to handle requests, never having to make excuses, strike the right balance in your workload and protecting your time and energy.
