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30-Year Retirement Plan is your turnkey marketing PowerPack that delivers prospecting resources, social media, a seminar and more – all focusing on balancing risk with future-proof strategies.

Focusing on three primary areas of risk: Market, Inflation and the Unknown, ESI’s 30-Year Retirement Plan Marketing Campaign and Seminar demonstrates how life insurance, managed money, and annuities can work together to help mitigate that risk.

This campaign and seminar works well for both clients and prospects. Focus on long-term retirement needs, while delivering education that’s appropriate for any age group.

For Prospecting: Use it to introduce yourself and the solutions you provide to new prospects, with the goal of scheduling a follow-up meeting with prospects after the seminar.

For Clients: It’s an opportunity to reconnect and remind your clients of all the solutions you provide. Invite clients as a value-add event and ask them to bring a friend, or request referrals at the event.

Tip: For a more practical use, use this presentation during annual reviews.

Not into seminar marketing? No problem. You can still take advantage of the prospecting email, social media posts, brochure and other tools without hosting a seminar.

Get the 30-Year Retirement Plan Campaign Here.
