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Circle of Excellence members represent our Top 25 ESI representatives for total production in 2024.

  1. Steve Simon*
  2. Patrick Stephens*
  3. Robert McIntosh*
  4. Charles Creighton*
  5. Michael Castillo**
  6. Paul Sortino**
  7. Tyler Degeneffe**
  8. Nicola Riverso**
  9. Mark Vosk**
  10. Travis Ramsdell**
  11. James Muro**
  12. William D’Angelo**
  13. Gary Liskow**
  14. Jeffrey Friedrich**
  15. Wakanwa Nzambi**
  16. Jay Maffe**
  17. Justin Paine**
  18. Daniel Streeter**
  19. David Critelli***
  20. Rich Kelly
  21. Daniel Wolodkiewicz
  22. Donald Reutemann
  23. Edward Degeneffe
  24. Alan Fishman
  25. Scott Maitland

* Million Dollars or more of total production!

**$750,000 or more of total production!

The top 25 Circle of Excellence members are determined by total production including GDC and advisory fees, minus any Massachusetts production.

